Guidelines for presenters

Guidelines for posters


Poster must be of size A0 and vertically oriented.


Two options:

1)      You bring your printed poster by your own. Posters can be fixed to metal grids in different ways: either using small wires (if your poster has eyelets) or using paper clips. Both wires and paper clips will be provided in the exhibition area and student volunteers are in your vicinity for any assistance, if needed.


2)      You provide us the pdf of your poster no later than the 8th of November and we will take care of its printing on light (135 g/m2) and plastic-free paper (see page eco-responsibility). In this case:


-          Please check your mailbox: you will soon receive an email explaining the poster uploading process (uploading through the registration website of the congress)

-          Prepare your poster:

  • Please insert the number of your abstract at the top left corner of your poster
  • Avoid unnecessary use of colors (white background, no large colored areas)

-          The organizing committee will take care of the setting of your poster in the conference room.

Please note that all posters will be displayed at the poster area during the whole meeting (from 22nd to 24th of November).


Guidelines for oral presentations


Oral presentations consist of maximum 12-minutes talks and 3 minutes for questions and answers.

Your slides can be prepared in 16/9 or 4/3 formats, but 16/9 would be best suited

You will receive an email explaining the presentation uploading process (uploading through the registration website of the congress):

-          Onsite presenters will be required to upload any files for their presentation (pptx, pdf) ideally by the 20th of November and no later than the day before their presentation is scheduled.

-          Virtual presenters will be required to upload their pre-recorded video presentation (mp4) by the 20th of November. Recorded presentations will be broadcasted onsite at the scheduled time then speakers will be able to answer to questions lively via zoom.


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